Monday, September 18, 2006

To be a bright...

Ok.. so I normally write in spanish, but some people have commented on the fact that I was supposed to write on different languages, so that more people could understand what I write (not that many people do read this blog...). Alas, a promise is a promise.

I was talking to a friend, a former classmate, who some months ago asked me if I believed in God. Had this been a "close friend" or someone from some other country I wouldnt had have been surprised. But this guy is a swede, we met in school and although we did have some joint projects together, we never became "buddies". Swedes dont usually ask personal questions. They do tend to ask purposeful questions, so I was wondering where this was leading. After half a second hesitation I said I didnt. He smiled.
- "I knew it. So, are you a bright?"
Again hesitation. Was he meaning in broken english if I thought I was bright or smart? Is this some kind of sect? Is this a joke?
-"I dont think so..." I wanted to say "not recently", but I wasnt quite sure he'd appreciate the humor.
-"Oh, you must read about it. You'll like it"
Again, the mexican side of me smiled ("it might hurt at first, but you'll learn to like it", I thought).
He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
Some days later he wrote me an email.
Just one word : "So ?"
I replied "Yes".

I havent yet begun to participate with this, but I'm looking forward to it. I just got a mail, part of the newsletter you can subscribe to. It's about joining a group trying to explain morality and the evolution of it from a naturalistic perspective. This looks promising.


Blogger Elena said...

This sounds quite interesting. I will read it because now I'm studen the role of intellectuals and we are in such kind of dicussions about God...

9:46 PM  
Blogger Elena said...

studying.. I mean

9:47 PM  
Blogger Risacu said...

Marthita: Ora...pues más que nada, o por lo menos lo que lo entendí de este rollo, es un grupo de personas que creen en un mundo natural, sin agentes divinos, ni cosas por el estilo.
Es algo con lo que me puedo identificar. No creo en ningún dios, no creo en rollos de fantasmas o cosas por el estilo. Un día frío, con un buen café (o whiskey si quieres) lo comentamos más... :)
Elena: sounds great! Where are you studying this and what kind of discussions? Any interesting conclusions?

8:54 AM  
Blogger Elena said...

Well I think the homepage u mention about is somethigs to do with naturalistics. I think to talk about God is a very complate subject. I believe is utopic but at the same time to refuse his existence is dangerous, specially in our culture where every single thing has to do with it. It could be great to expose both sides, the believers and the ones who are not. Personally I do not belong in any side. I don't like the religion as an instrument of control and manipulation but I like it as a tradition and as a part of our culture and with this I mean catholic and politeist as Aztecs or Mayas
Nice weekend Ric.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Ogirdor said...

Chida la anécdota.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Mario said...

hasta ahora 10 de julio lei tu blog y este "to be a Bright"...
antes de ver la liga quiero comentar que para mí:
- Dios no es ni pertenece a rligión alguna.
- Dios es todo y no existe separado del todo.
- Dios es una palabra para nombrar lo conocido y desconocido.
- Dios no es una persona ni tiene género, ni castiga...
- Tu eres Dios, tu eres yo y yo soy Dios igualmente.
ahora voy a leer la liga, ok?

9:30 AM  
Blogger Mario said...

Los Brights prefieren ser "naturalistas y no creer en lo supranatural o en lo mistico"
- Ok Dios es naturalista, supranaturalista y mistico tambien.
- No hay exclución, los Brights son tambien Dios, no hay duda.
-Dios no se limita, pues o hay límites.
digo, no?

9:40 AM  

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